1. 跪求翻譯我的獎學金申請書
Distinguished delegates accreditation
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to apply for this scholarship in recent years, I have to form and join a variety of activities and experiences, I fully reflect the competitive advantage of the scholarships
2007 to 2008 ring the class as a member of the organization's participation in the planning for over a year of classes in nearly a dozen pieces of the organization's activities, including a week of evening classes, Spring, Qiu You, as well as various forms of social class, where I The class was named best 07-08 year xx University class;
University of insurance as a 07 year study of class monitor, I was in the course of more than two hundred spokesman, in charge of curriculum in all exchanges, and successfully organized a course of classes after the end of the month-long internship insurance companies, has been professor of insurance And insurance companies led by the praise, praise for potential leaders
In August 2008, as the team captain, I participated in the UNESCO and South Korea jointly organized by the University of cultural exchange activities, we will issue a series of in-depth discussions, and I speak in the General Assembly was consistent Well
As a technical adviser and a member of the research team, I participated in the 2008 Summer Community Services Practice of social activities, in a one-month internship, I participated in the leadership of the community and the building of a harmonious number of community activities and issues facing the community, such as the direction of development Made recommendations, and relevant departments as excellent intern.
I am enthusiastic about public welfare, from 2007 to the present, I have been xx Young Volunteers Association, University of volunteers to take part in a series of public activities. I am the children of migrant workers in Nanjing school part-time teacher, loved by students. I would like to participate in social activities, the more I like these activities to bring maturity and progress.
In strengthening the self-development at the same time, I pay more attention to social development. Today's rapid development in China, but also a variety of social contradictions have emerged graally, under today's globalization, terrorism, global warming, international trade disputes on international issues increasingly affect the future development of the world. In such times, national and social development of young people is an urgent need. Committed to the cause of social work has always been my dream is also my ty. To solve the problem of Chinese and international problems, it seems to me that international co-operation and exchange is very important, China and the international non-governmental organizations is the co-operation in recent years, I have been concerned about, and I look forward to become one of a non - Governmental organizations to contribute to the development of its own strength. This is my ideal is my future direction.
I hope you will be able to give me this opportunity, I would be happy to learn about the social and cultural Singapore, Singapore to learn advanced knowledge, compared with cultural differences between countries, to seek international understanding and cooperation, pursue my dream of NGO.
I will give you the choice will prove to be correct.
2. 獎學金的主要事跡怎麼寫
教育部負責根據中國政府與外國政府或國際組織達成的協議或計劃對外提供中國政府獎學金,並委託國家留學基金管理委員會(Chinese Scholarships Council,簡稱CSC)具體負責享受中國政府獎學金來華留學的外國學生(以下簡稱獎學金生)的招生及日常事務的管理工作。
3. 中交通力科技集團有限公司怎麼樣
簡介: 公司前身為陝西中際置業有限責任公司,成立於1998年3月16日,公司設立時注冊資專本500萬元。 2002年1月8日,公司更名為中交通屬力科技發展有限公司。2004年6月11日,公司更名為中交通力科技集團有限公司。
4. 長安大學中交通力獎學金一等獎多少錢
等級都差不多 國家獎學金8000 國家勵志獎學金5000
5. 獎學金主要事跡怎麼寫
09物業管理專業班長,曾獲得「特等獎學金」、「二等獎學金」、 「優秀學生幹部」、「三好學生標兵」、「三好學生」、「優秀團員」、「社會工作優秀學生」、「優秀組織者」、「社聯先進精神文明個人」、「院運動會跳遠第五名」、「大學生創業設計大賽優秀獎」等榮譽稱號。
同時我還積極參與「物理大觀園」、「物理創意 大賽」等本系特色活動的策劃和組織,使的活動都圓滿地達到了活動的目的,得到老師和同學們的一致好評,並取得了一定的成績:在XX-XX年獲得」軍訓積極分子」稱號。
XX-XX獲得"優秀團幹部」稱號, XX-XX獲得"執勤周積極分子」稱號。在大三我擔任系社會實踐指導中心主任一職,我知道這是老師和同學們對我的信任以及對我工作能力的進一步考驗,我將繼續以飽滿的熱情和不懈的努力,爭取出色的完成院、系和班級的各項工作。
6. 中交通力雲南公路建設服務股份有限公司怎麼樣